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2023 Acta Politica best paper prize

We are delighted to announce that the winners of the 2023 Acta Politica best paper prize are Troels Fage Hedegaard and Christian Albrekt Larsen (both from Aalborg University) for their article entitled “The hidden European consensus on migrant selection: a conjoint survey experiment in the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark“.

The jury consisted of three Acta Politica advisory board members, who were tasked to rank a shortlist of five articles deemed most impactful by the editorial team. They unanimously agreed to award the prize to this article for its originality, the experimental design used, and its comparative appeal. They appreciated the authors’ focus on searching for consensus, amidst a literature that is usually focused on variation. The authors’ focus on what kind of immigrants should be accepted and rejected for residency was also deemed to be a welcome addition to the literature substantively, which tends to focus on polarization in the context of migration attitudes.

The NKWP board and the editors of Acta Politica warmly congratulate the authors for this award. The authors will receive a prize of 500€ for their contribution.

Winners Els Witte Prize and Daniel Heinsius Prize

The jury has announced the winner for the Els Witte Annual Political Science Prize for the best dissertation as well as the winner of the Daniel Heinsius Prize for the best Master thesis.

The jury decided to award the Els Witte to Imogen T. Liu (Maastricht University) (thesis title: Investing for the state: a finance-sensitive reading of the transnationalisation of Chinese state capital in Europe) and Emma Turkenburg (KU Leuven) (thesis title: On Silver Tongues and Silver Linings: Examining controversial political communication and its effects on citizens’ reasoning)

The Daniel Heinsius Prize was awarded to Richard Embrechts (Universiteit Antwerpen) (thesis title: The Impact of Interparty Contact on Affective Polarization in a Multi-Party Context) and Famke Veenstra (Radboud Nijmegen) (thesis title: Art, Domination, and Antipower: A critical republican perspective on art’s capacity to harm (and to liberate))


ALV 2024

Beste leden,

De Algemene Ledenvergadering (ALV) zal plaatsvinden op Donderdag 13 juni 2024, 11.00-12.30, Universiteit Maastricht, Grote Gracht (GG) 90-92, Kamer: GG76 0.07. Alle leden zijn van harte welkom.

De agenda is beschikbaar als download op onze website. Leden die van plan zijn om de ALV bij te wonen en/of die graag de stukken willen ontvangen, kunnen zich registreren door een e-mail te sturen naar secretaris[at]

We kijken ernaar uit om jullie te verwelkomen op de ALV!

Shortlist Els Witte PhD Prize

On behalf of the jury, we are pleased to announce the shortlist for the Els Witte PhD Prize this year! From all submitted dissertations, the jury selected the following theses for the shortlist (names in alphabetical order).

  • Dr. Imogen T. Liu (Maastricht University) – Investing for the state: a finance-sensitive reading of the transnationalisation of Chinese state capital in Europe
  • Dr. Franziska Petri (KU Leuven) – One message, many messengers? The role of European Union Delegations in implementing climate and energy diplomacy across the globe
  • Dr. Željko Poljak (University of Antwerp) – Negativity in politics from election to election: attacks in parliaments throughout the electoral cycle
  • Dr. Emma Turkenburg (KU Leuven) – On Silver Tongues and Silver Linings. Examining controversial political communication and its effects on citizens’ reasoning

The winner of the award will be announced at the Annual Political Science Workshops of the Low Countries (Politicologenetmaal). The award ceremony for the Els de Witte PhD Prize will take place on the 13th of June. We would like to thank all colleagues for submitting your nomination!

Acta Politica Vacancy: Journal Co-Editor

Acta Politica – international journal of political science, published by Palgrave Macmillan as part of Springer Nature and covered by the Social Science Citation Index – has a vacancy for the post of Journal Co-Editor.

It is expected that the journal editor will:

• Actively acquire manuscripts in all fields of political science

• Select proper peer reviewers for an assessment of submissions

• Make decisions regarding publication of submitted manuscripts

• Edit manuscripts – if needed – to ensure these are presented in good English

• Manage contacts with the publisher, Palgrave Macmillan

• Develop ideas on the journal and its position in political science.

The candidate should be:

• A political scientist working at a university or a related academic or research institution, preferably a Dutch or Flemish institution

• Have demonstrable affinity with political science in the Low Countries

• Well-acquainted with European political science and its organisations (ECPR, EPSA, and EPSnet)

• Well versed in written English; experience in language editing is a bonus

The successful candidate is expected to start as Co-Editor per January 1, 2025.

The incoming Editor will work together with the other editor, Benjamin Leruth (University of Groningen). The editors are supported by an editorial secretary. Acta Politica strives for an editorial board that is diverse in terms of gender and research background: so, we encourage a wide diversity of people to apply for this position. The editor receives a stipend of approximately 1.100 EUR per year. For more information about the journal, please visit the journal’s homepage at:

If you are interested in this position, please send your CV (including list of publications), and motivation letter by email to Loes Aaldering Board Member of the Dutch Political Science Association (NKWP):


Applications may be written in Dutch or English.

For further enquiries, please contact Emilie van Haute ( or Benjamin Leruth (, current co-Editors of Acta Politica.

Acta Politica vacancy: Book Review Editor

Acta Politica – international journal of political science, published by Palgrave Macmillan as part of Springer and covered by the Social Science Citation Index – has a vacancy for a position of Book Review Editor.

It is expected that the book review editor will:

• Actively acquire book reviews in all fields of political science

• Make decisions regarding publication of submitted book reviews

• Edit book reviews – if needed – to ensure these are presented in good English

• Manage contacts with the publisher, Palgrave Macmillan

The candidate should be:

• A political scientist working at a university or a related academic or research institution, preferably a Dutch or Flemish institution

• Have demonstrable affinity with political science in the Low Countries

• Well versed in written English; experience in language editing is a bonus

The successful candidate is expected to start as Book Review Editor per July 1, 2024.

The incoming Book Review Editor will work together with the journal co-editors, Benjamin Leruth (University of Groningen) and Emilie van Haute (Université libre de Bruxelles). The book review editor is supported by an editorial secretary. Acta Politica strives for an editorial board that is diverse in terms of gender and research background: so, we encourage a wide diversity of people to apply for this position. The book review editor receives a stipend of 250 EUR per year. For more information about the journal, please visit the journal’s homepage at:

If you are interested in this position, please send your CV (including list of publications), and motivation letter by email to Loes Aaldering, Board Member of the Dutch Political Science Association (NKWP):


Applications may be written in Dutch or English.

For further enquiries, please contact Emilie van Haute ( or Benjamin Leruth (, co-Editors of Acta Politica, or Tim Mickler ( the current book editor of Acta Politica.