Winners Els Witte Prize and Daniel Heinsius Prize

The jury has announced the winner for the Els Witte Annual Political Science Prize for the best dissertation as well as the winner of the Daniel Heinsius Prize for the best Master thesis.

The jury decided to award the Els Witte to Imogen T. Liu (Maastricht University) (thesis title: Investing for the state: a finance-sensitive reading of the transnationalisation of Chinese state capital in Europe) and Emma Turkenburg (KU Leuven) (thesis title: On Silver Tongues and Silver Linings: Examining controversial political communication and its effects on citizens’ reasoning)

The Daniel Heinsius Prize was awarded to Richard Embrechts (Universiteit Antwerpen) (thesis title: The Impact of Interparty Contact on Affective Polarization in a Multi-Party Context) and Famke Veenstra (Radboud Nijmegen) (thesis title: Art, Domination, and Antipower: A critical republican perspective on art’s capacity to harm (and to liberate))
