2023 Acta Politica best paper prize

We are delighted to announce that the winners of the 2023 Acta Politica best paper prize are Troels Fage Hedegaard and Christian Albrekt Larsen (both from Aalborg University) for their article entitled “The hidden European consensus on migrant selection: a conjoint survey experiment in the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark“.

The jury consisted of three Acta Politica advisory board members, who were tasked to rank a shortlist of five articles deemed most impactful by the editorial team. They unanimously agreed to award the prize to this article for its originality, the experimental design used, and its comparative appeal. They appreciated the authors’ focus on searching for consensus, amidst a literature that is usually focused on variation. The authors’ focus on what kind of immigrants should be accepted and rejected for residency was also deemed to be a welcome addition to the literature substantively, which tends to focus on polarization in the context of migration attitudes.

The NKWP board and the editors of Acta Politica warmly congratulate the authors for this award. The authors will receive a prize of 500€ for their contribution.